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Sobering 2019 distracted driving facts

Posted on September 9, 2019 in

Everybody is aware that distracted driving leads to fender benders, car crashes, injuries and even fatalities. It’s an epidemic among today’s drivers and often, the cell phone is to blame.

Many states have passed one-touch laws, or a complete ban of cellphone use while on the road to hopefully cut down on distracted driving and the subsequent accidents.

In March 2019, The Zebra, a vehicle insurance comparison site, conducted a survey on the driving habits of 2,000 American drivers. The results were significant, and they didn’t all have to do with cell phone use.

  • Among all operating systems, 27% of those ages 18-34 say they felt pressured to respond to work messages while driving. The national average among all age groups was 25%.
  • A whopping 87% of parents with young children said they’re likely to get distracted while driving. Adults without young children? 74%
  • When it came to snapping photos while driving, females drove away with the win. One in three admitted to taking photos while on the road.

Which drivers get distracted the least?

All drivers other than iPhone or Android users. 38% of those using cell phones with more obscure operating systems said they never get distracted while driving. 16% of iPhone users and 23% of Android users said the same.

Which distracted driving behaviors lead the way among iPhone and Android users?

Among users with the top two operating systems, texting led the way as the number one distracted driving behavior with 51% and 35% respectively among iPhone and Android users. The following behaviors fell short of number one.

  • Taking photos
  • Browsing social media
  • Watching videos
  • Streaming shows

Does distracted driving affect your insurance?

If you received a ticket, it definitely didn’t, but does now. In 2011, driver’s insurance rates were only raising by an average of 5% or $3 per year in extra premiums. In 2019, the tides have shifted. A distracted driving ticket could raise your premiums by $290 per year.