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Following Colorado’s laws can help prevent motorcycle accidents

Posted on October 12, 2014 in

For many riders in Colorado, motorcycles have a certain rebel appeal. Others, though, may love motorcycles because they are more fuel efficient, have a more sleek appearance or move better in traffic. Unfortunately, none of these attributes offers any protection for riders when they encounter other vehicles or even the road itself. Staying out of trouble and protecting themselves by following Colorado’s motor vehicle laws is the best way for motorcyclists to avoid motorcycle accidents.

In Colorado, all motorcyclists who are less than 18 years old are legally required to wear a helmet that has been approved by the state’s Department of Transportation. The helmet laws may be relaxed for older riders, but it remains a good idea for riders of every age to wear helmets any time they are on the road. A helmet can save a rider’s life and lessen the chance of brain injury in the event of an accident. Eye protection is also highly recommended, because windshields offer little eye protection. Goggles, eye glasses made from plastic or safety glass, or helmets with visors are strongly encouraged.

Passengers should never ride in front of the motorcycle driver; they should always sit behind the motorcyclists. They are encouraged to use passenger foot rests, which are required equipment on all motorcycles.

Motorcyclists are allowed to share lanes with other motorcycles, but never with cars. Overtaking any vehicle while in the same lane is also illegal.

The prevention of motorcycle accidents not only falls on the shoulders of motorcyclists themselves, but also on other motorists, who should always be cautious when sharing roads and highways with motorcycles. Any motorist who causes an accident with a motorcycle can be held liable by the injured motorcyclist or passenger or family members if someone is killed as a result. Victims can seek compensation for their losses.