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Lakewood Drug Possession Attorney

Getting arrested for drug possession is something you must take seriously. Colorado punishes drug crimes harshly. Your future and freedom could both be on the line. An aggressive Lakewood drug possession defense attorney can help you protect yourself.

Lakewood criminal defense attorney at Flesch Law, we bring knowledge and experience to every case we accept. Our lawyers have more than 40 years of experience in criminal defense. Find out how we can help you today if you are facing drug possession charges.

Why Choose Our Lakewood Drug Possession Lawyers?

The average defendant does not have a background in law. This puts the defendant at a disadvantage when going up against an experienced prosecutor. Hiring a criminal defense lawyer evens the playing field. A criminal defense lawyer can help you by negotiating a plea bargain with lesser penalties or fighting to have the charges dismissed.

A Lakewood drug possession lawyer will work hard using special resources, experience, knowledge and relationships with the courts to give you the strongest possible defense against drug possession charges. This could save you from receiving a life-changing criminal conviction and sentence.

Our law firm has more than thirty years of legal experience in drug possession and criminal defense cases. We are available to answer any and all of our clients questions and custom tailor defense approaches to every unique case our attorneys take on.

What Penalties Exist for Drug Possession in Lakewood, CO?

Drug possession is a crime in Colorado that refers to the unlawful possession of a controlled substance, other than marijuana. Controlled substance is the legal term for drugs. There are different schedules (classes) of controlled substances based on their propensity for addiction and health risks to the public.

You could be charged with a few different types of drug possession crimes in Colorado, depending on the circumstances:

  • Drug possession charges involving prescription medications
  • Charges involving heroin, cocaine or methamphetamine
  • Drug trafficking or possession with intent to sell charges
  • Possession of drug-related paraphernalia
  • Aggravated felony possession while on probation or parole
  • Subsequent offense or repeat offender

Attorneys at Flesch Law has experience representing clients against misdemeanor and felony drug possession charges, as well as state and federal charges. Our law firm can defend you against any type of criminal charges for an alleged drug crime in Colorado.

Lakewood Colorado drug crime attorney

What Are Common Defenses Against Drug Possession Charges in Colorado?

Being convicted of drug possession in Colorado can lead to penalties such as six months to two years in state prison or 180 days in county jail, up to $100,000 in fines, probation, community service, and more. The penalties depend on the type and amount of drugs involved, the defendant’s criminal history, and whether or not the charges are for possession with intent to sell.

The right defense strategy can protect you from the most severe penalties connected to drug possession charges in Colorado. Potential defense options include:

  • The drugs were not yours
  • You didn’t realize the drugs were in your possession
  • The substance in question was not a drug
  • False accusation
  • The prosecution cannot produce the alleged drugs
  • You have a valid prescription for the drugs
  • You possessed the drugs due to entrapment

Your attorney will custom-tailor a defense based on your unique circumstances, including the evidence the prosecution has against you and your personal criminal record. Then, your lawyer will guide you through each phase of the criminal justice process, answering your questions and concerns along the way. A criminal defense lawyer will do everything possible to protect your rights and best interests during this stressful time.

How Can a Lakewood Drug Possession Attorney Help?

Respected Denver defense attorneys at Flesch Law have strengths in investigation, negotiations and trial work. He knows the Colorado justice system well and has appeared before officials and worked with prosecutors throughout the region, from Denver and Jefferson County to Arapahoe County and far beyond. He is prepared to defend you against:

  • Drug possession charges involving cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, prescription medications or other controlled substances
  • State drug charges involving sale or trafficking
  • Multiple charges leveled during a DUI arrest and search or another traffic stop
  • New marijuana regulations regarding the amount you are legally allowed to hold

A tenacious advocate for people’s constitutional rights, attorney Finegan will hear you out on what happened, look hard at your case, and question police procedures or other possible problems with the prosecution. If an illegal search and seizure occurred, for example, or another violation of your rights took place, he will work to prove it.

Lakewood Drug Possession FAQ

Drug charges can have a devastating impact on your life. Not only do you need to worry about the criminal penalties, but the collateral consequences that come with a conviction could be life-altering. You may find it difficult or impossible to return to any sense of normalcy. When you are trying to build the strongest defense strategy possible, you may have many unanswered questions about the charges against you, the strength of the prosecutor’s case, and more.

For that reason, we have crafted a brief FAQ below that details the answers to some of these questions and more. When you have further questions regarding your drug possession case, do not hesitate to contact our Lakewood drug crime attorney for case-specific answers.

Do I qualify for pretrial diversion?

You might qualify for pretrial diversion if you meet the eligibility requirements. In most cases, only people who have been charged with first-time or non-violent offenses will be eligible. Drug possession is a seemingly victimless crime in most cases, so the prosecutor may be more willing to allow you to enter pretrial diversion.

However, when you do enter pretrial diversion, according to CRS 18-1.3-101, you will need to meet specific program requirements. If you do not fulfill the program terms, you will face the original drug possession charges against you. If your drug possession attorney in Lakewood can convince the district attorney that you would be better served with rehabilitative action as opposed to punishment, we may be able to convince them to reduce your charges to a lesser offense or agree to allow you to enroll in pretrial diversion.

How does arraignment work?

Your arraignment is where you will enter your plea and find out whether bail will be set. According to the U.S. Courts, you have the right to enter a plea of:

  • Guilty
  • Not guilty
  • No-contest

If you plead guilty or enter a no-contest plea, the judge could sentence you on the spot. However, if your case goes to trial, a trial date will be set for sometime in the near future. The judge will also determine whether bail should be awarded. If the judge does not believe you are a flight risk and will appear at your next court date, they may be more willing to grant you bail.

Your bail amount will depend on the severity of the charges against you, whether you have an extensive criminal record, and other factors. In some instances, you could even be released on your own recognizance (ROR), which would not require any bail payments. It would be uncommon for individuals charged with a drug possession offense to be denied bail.

What is the statute of limitations for drug possession charges in Colorado?

The statute of limitations for drug possession charges will vary depending on the level of the charges against you. For example, if you are charged with a misdemeanor drug possession offense under CRS 16-5-401, the prosecutor may have up to 18 months from the date of the alleged crime to file charges. However, if you are accused of committing a felony drug possession offense, the statute of limitations will generally not expire until three years from the date of the offense if it is a Level 1 felony.

Contact Our Lakewood Drug Possession Lawyer

If you have recently been charged with a drug possession crime, contact a Lakewood drug possession defense attorney from Flesch Law right away. We have years of experience representing defendants who have been accused of committing different types of drug crimes throughout Colorado. We have what it takes to build the strongest possible defense against drug possession and will work tirelessly to achieve a favorable outcome.

Request a free consultation with our lead criminal defense lawyer today. Initial consultations come at no cost or obligation and are always 100 percent confidential. Call (303) 980-5511 or contact us online now.